Dmitriy Smirnov
February 29, 2024
Securities Law

Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) and the rules promulgated thereunder require issuers of securities registered pursuant to Exchange Act Section 12 to file with the Commission current and accurate information in periodic reports, even if the registration is voluntary under Section 12(g). Specifically, Rule 13a-1 requires issuers to file annual reports, and Rule 13a-13

Dmitriy Smirnov
February 26, 2024
Securities Law

Few stories that begin with a government investigation have a happy ending. This is one of them, and the reason is the company’s decision to cooperate and remediate before charges were filed—a smart decision that started with the hiring of competent SEC defense counsel.  Recently, View, Inc. (“View”), a manufacturer of “smart” windows, came under SEC scrutiny for, among other

Daniel Fridman
February 23, 2024
Securities Law

In a case that says as much about today’s work-from-home climate as it does about securities fraud, the SEC has charged Tyler Loudon of Houston, Texas for trading on confidential information he overheard while his wife, a mergers and acquisitions manager with London-based oil and gas company BP, PLC, was on a remote call. The SEC’s complaint alleges that Loudon

Daniel Fridman
February 13, 2024
Securities Law

As a former SEC Trial Attorney, I was always particularly mindful of the trading rules imposed on SEC staff. While I always understood that the rules were intended to prevent conflicts of interest, misuse of nonpublic information for personal gain, and appearance problems—all important goals—the restrictions often stood in the way of profitable trades available to other market participants.  Well,

December 12, 2023
Insights Securities Law

SEC Chair Gary Gensler testified before the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday and was unexpectedly tight-lipped about whether XRP, a digital currency, is a security. In response to Committee Chairman Warren Davidson’s question, Gensler said that the question of whether XRP is a security is currently “in court, and [there are] active discussions and litigation on that matter.” For